RETI Center is a model for how coastal cities can combine environmental justice, social responsibility, and innovative design to adapt to a changing climate

  • Close to home and across the US, there is an urgent need to rethink what cities can look like as sea level rise projections grow ever more dire.

    Historically marginalized coastal communities must reimagine and rebuild our waterfront for a sustainable future. That’s what we mean by resilience.

  • Our hands-on programs put young people from challenging backgrounds into positive, educational and empowering learning environments. Together we seek practical ways to change the economic, social, and environmental injustices that have brought us to the point of crisis in relation to the climate.

  • We offer priority populations a gateway to the green economy, with hands-on practical learning and a path to employment. Training is geared to individuals with no to moderate skills to help them join the civilian climate corps we need to transition to a green economy.

  • We continually improve how we design and build new structures and technologies. Decreasing impact is not enough, we aim to make beautiful things that benefit the users and the natural environment. Our development is a collaborative and inclusive learning process that emphasizes durability and circularity.